Jul 1, 2010

F91 Gundam Papercraft T Shirt

I never wonder my papercraft SD Gundam F91 would be so cute if some designer put it on T Shirt. You could visit and maybe buy his design at this link To refresh your memory, you can compare the picture with my built SD Gundam F91 right at my previous post in here.
FYI this SD Gundam Papercraft was my first ever Gundam paper model that made me so much in love in paper model, especially Gundam genre.


  1. gambarnya di print di kertas khusus buat kaos aja Om....


  2. kusuka bgt desain kaosnya.. dasarnya aku emg udh seneng bngt ma smua model Gundam.. oia minta instruksinya tuk SD Gundam F91 donk.. (kebanyakan link is broken) makasih ^^

  3. Yang mencari instruksi Gundam F91, silahkan ambil dari link ini
    Sudah lengkap pola dan instruksinya, have fun
